On Sunday morning, Sulmane Maigadi continued in our current sermon series on 2 Kings, entitled Jesus and the End of Israel and showed us how God transforms us from looted…
This past Sunday, we saw four of the most unlikely evangelists bringing good news to the city of Samaria, so that they might go “From Famine to Feasting” (2 Kings…
Our current sermon series on 2 Kings is entitled Jesus and the End of Israel. Last Sunday, Elisha prayed for God to open the eyes of his servant, so that…
Last Sunday, Naaman the Aramean took a journey “from Leprosy to the Lord" (2 Kings 5:1-19). This Sunday, Elisha’s servant Gehazi takes the opposite journey, "from the Lord to Leprosy"…


"Mortality, Morality, and Mystery"

by Prof. Ephraim Radner

Radner's lecture is a timely reflection in a penitential season like Advent. In the mystery of Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection, Jesus perfects our mortality into immortal glory, and in our present mortal life he invites us to cross-carrying discipleship, to give up our lives for one another as Christ gave himself up for us.