This Sunday, we began a new sermons series on the Holy Spirit, exploring the passage from John 14:15-31 where Jesus introduces us to third person of the trinity.
This past Sunday, we concluded our series on 2 Kings, entitled Jesus and the End of Israel, looking at Israel's journey from rubble to renewal. Scripture references: 2 Kings 22:8-11,…
Guest speaker Christian Hofreiter, Director of the Zacharias Institute for Science, Culture and Faith in Vienna, Austria, shares his research on Old Testament genocide and answers some questions surrounding this…

Identity Politics

On Sunday evening, the Rev. Dr. Christian Hofreiter was our guest speaker. Christian served on Resurrection's pastoral staff prior to his doctoral studies at Oxford. Now he is a Christian…


"Mortality, Morality, and Mystery"

by Prof. Ephraim Radner

Radner's lecture is a timely reflection in a penitential season like Advent. In the mystery of Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection, Jesus perfects our mortality into immortal glory, and in our present mortal life he invites us to cross-carrying discipleship, to give up our lives for one another as Christ gave himself up for us.