This past Sunday, we ended our sermon series titled the Holy Spirit, exploring the passage from Romans 8:12-30 where we see how the Holy Spirit enables us to hope as…

The Spirit of Hope

This past Sunday, we ended our sermon series titled the Holy Spirit, exploring the passage from Romans 8:12-30 where we see how the Holy Spirit enables us to hope as…
This past Sunday, Jeff Bailey shared his message on the Holy Spirit exploring the passage 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 on Spiritual gifts.
This Sunday, we continued our sermon series on the Holy Spirit, exploring the passage from Galatians 5:16-25 where we learn how to keep in step with the Spirit.


"Mortality, Morality, and Mystery"

by Prof. Ephraim Radner

Radner's lecture is a timely reflection in a penitential season like Advent. In the mystery of Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection, Jesus perfects our mortality into immortal glory, and in our present mortal life he invites us to cross-carrying discipleship, to give up our lives for one another as Christ gave himself up for us.