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WEEKLY 5:45 PM AT REZ (3rd fl loft)
Psalm 116:2 - Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live.
- January 26-March 9: Acts study
- March 23-April 13: Lent study
- April 20: Easter Sunday (no youth group)
- April 27-May 25: Study TBD
Other special events:
- February 9: Superbowl Party at 6 pm
- March 16: Game Show Night
- April 11: Seder Dinner
- May 9: Movie Night

Andy Squyres Concert
Saturday, March 1, Doors open at 6:30 pm, Show begins at 7 pm
Andy recently released Poet Priest Volume III, and has also been working on a new record. He will share his music, writing, and a story or two from his latest trip to a gas station, no doubt.
For as long as he can remember, Andy has not been able to stop thinking about God, life, and death. He is widely recognized and celebrated for his unique and clear voice on these titanic topics. His work explores the complexity of living in a grief-filled world, while holding the mystery of salvation simultaneously - delicately - in hand.
The Apiary is thrilled to have him back at Rez to help prepare our community for Lent. You won't want to miss!
Tickets are $20 at registration or at the door.
Get your tickets here.

Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, March 5, 7 am, 10 am, and 6:30 pm at Rez
Ash Wednesday (March 5) is the first day of Lent and, by tradition, entails fasting from food the whole day. Through the imposition of ashes on our foreheads in the shape of a cross (ashes from last year’s burned up palm branches), we remember that our frail lives of dust are to be conformed to the death of Christ so that we too can share in his resurrection
Families with younger children are invited to join us for the Children's Ash Wednesday service at 10 am. The service is brief, liturgical, and interactive. It's a great way to begin the season of Lent as a family.
Starting Sunday, March 9, 1:30 pm
Registration Deadline, Sunday March 2
Love of God and neighbor. We know that Jesus calls us to these duties. Yet the challenge isn’t in the knowing but the doing of them. For this reason, we all need practice in the art of Christian living, building momentum as disciples through developing healthy habits. This cohort will provide you with both a framework and a small team for growth in following the Lord.
Click here to learn more and join the class.

"Called to Freedom" by Brad LittleJohn
Wednesday, March 19 and April 2 at 7 pm
What does it mean to be “free” and how can we use our freedom well? Does “gospel freedom” or “Christian liberty” have anything to do with political freedom? How do we distinguish “freedom of conscience” from mere relativism? Is the “free market” a Christian ideal or an American idol? And what about technology, which promises to free us from the constraints of nature but often shackles us in new forms of slavery?
In his new book, Called to Freedom: Retrieving Christian Liberty in an Age of License, scholar and writer Brad Littlejohn explores all these questions and more, distilling insights from a career at the intersection of the church, academy, and public policy.
Click here to join the follow-up reading group during Lent
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Sunday 9 am, 11 am & 5 pm Worship Services: 501 E St. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 77211, Washington, D.C. 20013
More details regarding Sunday services here.
Copyright © The Church of the Resurrection. All rights reserved.