Consider 2 Kings 5. At the outset there are clearly heroes and villains, and it’s easy to sort between them. But by the end of the story, every character will…
The culture of death is contagious. The Spirit of God brings resurrection life to the remnant who put their faith in him.

Manasseh means “forgetfulness,” and under his reign Judah forgot the Lord. The New Covenant promises God’s forgetfulness of our sins, and our memory of his Word. In his death, Jesus…


"Mortality, Morality, and Mystery"

by Prof. Ephraim Radner

Radner's lecture is a timely reflection in a penitential season like Advent. In the mystery of Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection, Jesus perfects our mortality into immortal glory, and in our present mortal life he invites us to cross-carrying discipleship, to give up our lives for one another as Christ gave himself up for us.