Join us for Worship on Sundays
501 E St. SE, Washington DC, 20003

Three worship services at 9:00 am, 11:00 am, and 5:00 pm
At the 9 am service: The children's ministry includes Nursery for children ages 6 mo-2yrs and Goldly play for children ages 3 years through Kindergarten.
At the 11 am service: The children's ministry includes Nursery for children ages 6 mo-2yrs and other classes for children ages 3 to 10 years.

For those who cannot attend services in person, we also live stream on our YouTube channel.

During our Sunday service, God invites us—from all walks of life and all manners of dress—to come into his presence in the name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit in order to receive his gifts.

We are a liturgical church. Our liturgy follows the historic Book of Common Prayer. Congregants can follow along easily with lyrics and liturgy projected on slides.


Our worship service is usually organized like a dinner party with Jesus, consisting of four acts:

Congregating: God gathers us in, and we respond in confession and praise.

Conversation: God speaks to us through the reading of his Word and an interpretive sermon. We respond with prayer and trust.

Communion: God feeds us through our celebration of the Lord’s Supper, and we respond with unity and devotion.

Commissioning: God sends us out as his ambassadors, and we respond with obedience and hope.


“Let the children come to me," Jesus said. "Do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). Jesus welcomed children to himself; as his church, we seek to do the same. We work together to engage the hearts and minds of our children and nurture them as Jesus' disciples.

We prioritize children’s presence and participation in worship each week. We provide Nursery and Children’s Chapel for children 6 months through 5th grade during our Sunday morning service.

Children are dismissed to nursery and Children’s Chapel at the Children’s Collect. Parents pick up their children later in the service during the Passing of the Peace.

Check-in for Children’s Ministries is available 15 minutes prior to the morning service.

The safety of every child who comes through the doors of our church and who participates in any aspect of our children’s ministry is of the utmost importance to us. For this reason, all children’s ministry volunteers have undergone a thorough application and screening process which includes reference and background checks, training, and a church attendance requirement.


Children's Chapel is a formative time of liturgy, song, and prayer for children. Our children ages PREK through 5th grade participate in age appropriate classes.