Giving at the Church of the Resurrection
We were made to be stewards of God's gifts (Genesis 1:28). Worshipping God by giving a portion of one's income for the needs of the worshipping community extends far back into the Old Testament (Numbers 18:20-21), a tradition which Jesus endorsed (Matthew 23:23). Paul also connected the Old Testament practice with the practice of the New Testament church, citing the need for congregations to support those who serve the church in ministry (1 Corinthians 9:13-14). All this reflects the principle of Proverbs 3:9, “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce.”
How Will I Be Receipted for My Donation to Rez?
You will receive a Year-End giving statement at the end of January. Additionally, donations through eGive and through the Church Center App will receive receipts for each donation via email.
If you have any questions about our finances, feel free to email our Treasurer.
Giving at the Church of the Resurrection
There are four ways to give:
Give online through the eGive webpage here
Rez Church Center App
You can give online through our mobile app Church Center. Click the links below to download the app!
You can give by mail, payable to Church of the Resurrection, P.O. Box 77211, Washington, DC 20013
You can give in person during our worship services
Give towards the Planted building campaign, and help us renovate our historic building on Capitol Hill. Select “Building Fund” in the donation category when you give. Learn more below:
Since the purchase of our own permanent sanctuary for worship and ministry in January 2021, we have been at work on immediate repairs and near-term renovations.
Read about what progress we’ve made in our first six months, and our needs going forward as we maximize the space for our ministry and use.