Among the Bible's most confounding characters is Jacob, who was born second, unloved by his father,  grasping both birthright and blessing from his brother. After fleeing home, he returns with a…
Among the Bible's most confounding characters is Jacob, who was born second, unloved by his father,  grasping both birthright and blessing from his brother. After fleeing home, he returns with a…
Among the Bible's most confounding characters is Jacob, who was born second, unloved by his father,  grasping both birthright and blessing from his brother. After fleeing home, he returns with a…
Among the Bible's most confounding characters is Jacob, who was born second, unloved by his father,  grasping both birthright and blessing from his brother. After fleeing home, he returns with a…
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"Mortality, Morality, and Mystery"

by Prof. Ephraim Radner

Radner's lecture is a timely reflection in a penitential season like Advent. In the mystery of Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection, Jesus perfects our mortality into immortal glory, and in our present mortal life he invites us to cross-carrying discipleship, to give up our lives for one another as Christ gave himself up for us.