Death & The Weight of Glory – Living with Mortality

Death & The Weight of Glory – Living with Mortality

Passage: Job 1, Job 2
Service Type:

Bible Text: Job 1, Job 2 | Speaker: Jacob Rodriguez | Series: Death & The Eternal Weight of Glory | As human beings, we will all die. The past two years of pandemic have made us freshly aware of this reality. Some might be tempted to despair, while others might want to ignore death altogether. But the Christian story invites us to embrace our own mortality and accept our human limitations, anchoring our hope in the God who raises the dead. Ultimately, in the gospel, we see Jesus, who became fully mortal and pioneered the way through death into resurrected, incorruptible life. In this sermon series, we will focus on passages in Job and 2 Corinthians and explore our call to “number our days” and “carry our cross” in the hope of the resurrection.

Each week, we will explore a different question accompanied by a prayer to help us engage with the message we will hear on Sunday. This week:

What do you fear most?
Teach me to live that I may dread the grave as little as my bed.
Teach me to die so that I may rise glorious at the judgment day.