
Northeast Network Retreat

The Northeast Network of the Anglican Mission and Bishop Thad Barnum are hosting an annual retreat with Dr. Sean McDonough, New Testament Professor at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. Read the full flyer below.

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Up Meeting on Sunday, April 26

Up Meetings are a congregational forum, a kind of town hall gathering for the Church of the Resurrection. We host these meetings every couple of months in hopes that everyone in the church to be up on what’s happening.  The next Up Meeting is this Sunday, April 26, immediately following the abbreviated worship service (Evening…

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Greetings and Photos from Pastor Deo

Pastor Deo from our sister church in Nyagatare, Rwanda has sent us photos.   He says: “The attached are photos of my family and my church choir.  I draw your attention to one special person: my wife, Beatrice commonly called Darling.  Her photo is the most beautiful surrounded by my four other children.  Thank you for…

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Essentials Course starts Thursday, April 23

The Essentials Course is for newcomers, inquirers, and those seeking to join RezGroups. During this course, we consider and discuss our approach as a congregation to the beliefs and practices of Christianity. The course is primarily focused on five components: the Gospel, Worship, Discipleship, Community & Mission. The course meets weekly at 7 pm on Thursdays,…

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Playground Update – Help Needed Thursday & Saturday!

Over the past few weeks, a number of folks from Rez have been working with other churches and neighbors in SE DC to plan and fundraise for a new playground for the Hopkins housing project. We still need more help. Two ways you can contribute: 1) Donate items for the yard sale.  They can still…

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Easter Sunday Service (5pm, April 12)

Our Easter Sunday service of holy communion will be held at 5 pm on April 12 at Christ our Shepherd Church. Nursery care for infants and toddlers will be provided. The Rev. Dan Claire’s message is entitled, “He is Risen, Just as He Said.”

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Easter Vigil (9pm, April 11 @ Casa del Pueblo)

Join one body comprised of many DC churches as we read, pray and sing in anticipation, and then burst into jubilant celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. This climactic service of Holy Week will include magnificent artwork and banners, choirs, musicians and dance ensembles, readings and silent meditation, testimonies, readings and a homily by the…

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Urban Ministry Symposium

A handful of Rez & Advent staff members and lay leaders will be attending this symposium on April 30, 2009.  It looks like a great opportunity to hear from some great presenters with experience in hands-on service as well as local and national policy on poverty.  Click the link below for all the details and…

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Maundy Thursday Service (6pm, April 9)

Join one body comprised of many DC churches as we remember Jesus’ example and mandate to serve one another, and we commemorate the institution of the Lord’s Supper. Pastor Del Glick, of Washington Community Fellowship, will be preaching. In addition to music, message, and holy communion, we will also wash each other’s feet. Nursery care…

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Help Needed with Fundraising Yard Sale

The Playground project (details here) is moving forward after a successful carwash last Saturday, thanks to God’s good grace and the help of many volunteers. The next fundraiser is a  yard sale, April 18.  We need lots of help for this one to be a success.  There are three major ways you can play a…

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