
Good Friday Service (7pm, April 10)

Join one body comprised of many DC churches as we observe the crucifixion of Jesus in our place for our sins. The Rev. Stuart McAlpine of Christ our Shepherd Church will deliver the message this evening. 7 pm, April 10, at Christ our Shepherd Church, 801 North Carolina Ave., SE, 20003  __________________________________________________ Also on Capitol Hill…

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Remembering the Rwandan Genocide After 15 Years

As Rwanda commemorates the 15th anniversary of the Genocide beginning on April 7, we pray for our brothers and sisters there, especially in our sister congregation in Nyagatare. This first week of the 100 days of remembrance can be especially traumatic to many as it sets triggers of the memories of the sights, sounds and smells…

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What About Other Gospels?

What about other Gospels? Are the right books in the New Testament? A conversation on New Testament origins led by the Rev. Matthew Anderson Location: Christ our Shepherd Church – Fellowship Hall Date: Friday, April 3 Time: 7:30 Refreshments will be served

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The Playground Story

The last couple of weeks at Rez you may have heard about a playground being built soon in Southeast DC.  What you may not realize is what a rare and beautiful opportunity this project provides to our church.  To hear the interesting backstory about this project, keep reading…

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March 28: Christianity through Muslim Eyes

The Religious Freedom Group invites you to hear from Rev. Turgay Ucal, a Muslim convert to Christ who will discuss his faith pilgrimage and his congregation’s efforts to engage Turkish society with an authentically Turkish Christianity. Saturday, March 28 at 5:00 p.m. Location: Fellowship Hall at Christ Our Shepherd Church Turkish dinner will be provided

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A Message from Pastor Deo in Nyagatare, Rwanda

Dear Brothers & Sisters,  We  greet you in the name of Jesus! I hope this letter finds you well. We are very proud of you for having the courage to plant new churches. We pray for Pastor Mark Booker and his family as they go to Boston, Pastor Chuck Colson in Virginia, Pastor Tommy Hinson…

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Ariel Ministries Spring Retreat with Bishop Thad

Ariel Ministries’ Spring 2009 Retreat will be held on the Grand Strand of the coast of South Carolina, April 30-May 2. The retreat will feature the teaching of Bishop Thad Barnum and his wife, Erilynne. The retreat is open to anyone. For more information, click here.

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TONIGHT: Newcomers Dinner!

Our next dinner for newcomers will be TONIGHT: Friday, March 20th at 7 PM. Newcomers’ Dinners are a great chance to enjoy a delicious meal with others who are exploring the Church of the Resurrection.  You’ll get to know Dan & Elise Claire, their family, and a few other members of the church, while hearing…

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