
A Note re: Saturday's Playground Project

Thanks for praying for and volunteering to help with the playground!  As Bryan Wandel announced on Sunday night, the playground will be built this Saturday in the Hopkins Housing Community at 12th and K SE. You can register to help build by emailing me  emiliekao (at) yahoo.com by June 9 or showing up at 8:30am.…

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July Newcomer's Dinner!

Our next dinner for newcomers will be Friday, July 10th at 7 PM. Newcomers’ Dinners are a great chance to enjoy a delicious meal with others who are exploring the Church of the Resurrection.  You’ll get to know Dan & Elise Claire, their family, and a few other members of the church, while hearing about…

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You Reap What You Sow (Galatians 6:7)

In his message last Sunday, Dan Claire mentioned how William Wilberforce, after his conversion to Christianity, determined to make every second count. On June 21, 1786, at only twenty-six years old, Wilberforce wrote in his diary “to endeavour from this moment to amend my plan for time. I hope to live more than heretofore to…

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Helping with Urban Hands

Every summer, area churches work together to create Urban Hands, a unique opportunity for middle and high school students from diverse neighborhoods, experiences, and denominations to come together for a week of worship, service, and fun in their own local mission field of Washington, DC.  The week gives students the opportunity to wrestle with Biblical…

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Summer RezGroup on Sharing the Story of Jesus

All of us have friends and family members whom we would like to introduce to Jesus. Yet few of us feel adequately prepared to share the story of Christianity with others. We are offering a new RezGroup for those who wish to grow in community with others in communicating the Gospel with truth and grace.…

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Portrait of Exploitation

Candace Wheeler, Founder of Restoration Ministries (RM), shared about the work of RM during our multi-church Night of Prayer on May 9. One of the handouts she distributed was an article in ESA’s Prism Magazine by Laura Coulter entitled Portrait of Exploitation: The Real Face of Prostitution. Take a look at the photos on the cover…

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Men's Breakfast, Saturday May 16th

Please join us this Saturday from 9-11am as we gather together with men from Grace DC, Christ Our Shepherd, and Church of the Advent. This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet and build relationships  with other Christian men in the city, and  begin to foster discipleship relationships across church and denominational  lines. There will be…

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Ascension Day Service, May 21st

The Feast of the Ascension is coming up on Thursday, May 21. We will be joining with our sister churches, Ascension and Advent, to join us in celebrating Christ’s Ascension with dinner and a service at 7pm at Christ Church of Arlington, 3321 N Pershing Drive, Arlington VA. Dinner will be potluck with a main dish…

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DC Night of Prayer: Saturday May 9th

Join with others from many congregations, this Saturday, May 9th at 7:00pm,  for a night of prayer for the city.  We will be gathering at Christ our Shepherd Church (801 North Carolina Ave SE, Washington DC) and look forward to seeing you there.

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Newcomers Dinner, May 15th

Our next dinner for newcomers will be Friday, May 15th at 7 PM. Newcomers’ Dinners are a great chance to enjoy a delicious meal with others who are exploring the Church of the Resurrection.  You’ll get to know Dan & Elise Claire, their family, and a few other members of the church, while hearing about…

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