Finding Rest in Christ

Lenten Devotional Series Day 15. Today’s meditation is on Matthew 11:25-30.

Lent is a season of penitence, a time for intentionality in dying to self. On the other hand, the fourth commandment (see yesterday’s devotional) is an injunction to rest. How do Lenten contrition and rest go together?

Often when we think about rest, we think of it as a matter of self-indulgence: leisurely weekend mornings, escaping the daily pressures of hyper-active, multi-tasking productivity. Sound appealing? The Lord of Creation knows us even better than we know ourselves, and he offers something far more restorative than a latte and the Sunday paper. The Lord says, “be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10.)

In nature, there are seasons of flourishing as well as seasons of dying. Gardeners often describe winter as a season of rest. As the days are shorter and the outdoor conditions harsh, plants enter a ‘resting period’ where they do not produce new leaves or buds, but instead they deepen their roots, reaching down to layers below the frozen top soil to find the nourishment they need.

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus offers us rest, but only if we come to him. Today, we face the incessant temptation of ongoing productivity. Getting just a little more done often seems so urgent, and would feel so satisfying. But we can’t be still when we’re always in motion. There’s never enough time to simply sit at His feet as Mary once did.

What does Lent have to do with rest? During this season of self-denial, one of the hardest things to give up is the priority of our own productivity. Jesus is far more valuable. We need to slow down, and come to him for his intrinsic worth, so as not to make idols out of his gifts to us, especially our labors. He will provide, protect, and guide us. Come, let us go to Jesus, and he will give us rest.

Today in prayer, begin with the Collect of the Day (below). Confess to the Lord any idolatry of your own productivity, and ask him to remind you of the precious treasure you have in Christ. Join Mary in sitting in Jesus’ feet and enjoying his provision, protection, and discipleship. Then renew your commitment to him using the words of the Lord’s Prayer.

The Collect of the Day. Almighty God, you see that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves: guard us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls; that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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