
Fall Preaching Series on 1 Samuel

We begin a new preaching series in the Old Testament historical book of 1 Samuel this fall, starting Sunday, 9/11. If you would like to follow along and study this book, either individually or with a triad or small group, here are two recommended books.   1 Samuel: Looking on the Heart, by Dale Ralph…

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Honoring Our Parents, Friday Sept 9

Friday Night Fellowship: Honoring Our Parents. Friday, Sept 9, 7-8.30pm at COSC. What does it mean to honor your parents? How do you cultivate a healthy relationship with them? How is that different now than it was in your teens? What if the way your parents treated you has left wounds? How do you avoid…

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Discipleship Academy

Learn. Grow. Feast. Serve “Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:6-7)   WHAT IS IT? Discipleship Academy aims to grow faithful disciples of Jesus and godly leaders within the…

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Men of Rez Canoeing Trip | August 20

A good number of Rez men are headed out Saturday morning for a canoeing trip on the Shenandoah River. We will leave from Christ Our Shepherd (where Rez meets for worship on Sunday evenings) at 9:30am on Saturday (8/20) and we’ll drive to Front Royal, VA, which is about a 1.5 hour drive. We’ll all be carpooling down so…

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Rez Essentials | September 14 – October 26

Rez Essentials is a six week course exploring the DNA of our church. It’s ideal if you’re a newcomer to Rez, or if you wish to learn more about our beliefs and practices. It’s also part of the process of becoming a member of Church of the Resurrection. This Fall, we will be holding Essentials…

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Annual Serving Worksheet

God calls us to wise stewardship of our time and skills. Use the Church of the Resurrection Annual Serving Worksheet to become more intentional and disciplined in your ministries of service during the year ahead. Please complete it and then either respond online or return the perforated portion of the worksheet available on Sundays in…

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