Viewpoint: One Church Night of Prayer

Last night’s Urban Prayer and Worship time at COSC was a wonderful time of coming together in the Spirit.  About half a dozen churches were represented at the gathering, and it was a fruitful time.

Each quarter, one local urban ministry is highlighted for prayer, in addition to always praying for our churches, pastors and city.  Last night The Porch, an urban youth group ministry led by Christina Fowler, was the ministry focus.  Here are some things that Christina specifically asked us to pray for:

For the YOUTH:
– youth who are in single parent homes
– violence and gang activity
– school systems
– general brokenness –> that the youth would know who they are in the LORD and not let these other things define them

– that the leadership, especially Christina, would serve out of overflow and not our of their own strength
– that there would be peace among leadership and partnering churches
– for hearts of prayer

– weekly meals for youth on Wed nights
– neighborhood homes at which to gather in small groups once a month
– finances – for staff and for an upcoming retreat

Another very specific prayer request in this area is for a pending grant that The Porch has applied to through the Mustard Seed Foundation.  They are seeking a $15K matching grant.  If they are awarded this grant, they are praying that 5 area churches would commit to $250/month to meet the match. Jessie, a new staff member, would be supported through this grant.  He is a
pastor evangelist with several years in DC.  His heart for urban youth includes creating neighborhood weight rooms where men could disciple boys.

SCRIPTURES to pray over the Porch (which are also serving as themes for their youth):
– Matt 6:33 – seek the Kingdom first
– Eph 5:8 – walk in the light, live as children of the light
– Luke 6:46-49 – be founded on the Rock

Additionally, we prayed specifically for our PASTORS IN THE CITY who are in great need of strength and encouragement.  For our pastors at Rez, here are some specific prayer requests:

– for Dan to have more time with the Lord, and time to do his dissertation
– for unity between rez pastors and other pastors in the city – that the pastors would be united in a vision for the city, resulting in city-wide movement
– that the Masons would receive their visas (to come to the US from England) to be able to come serve with us

Hopefully if you were not able to join in prayer, you will integrate these prayer requests into your time with the Lord this coming week and forward. The next urban prayer night will be held on Nov 7th, 7-9pm at COSC.

Kristi Kiger

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