Rwanda Team Update #3

Dear church family,

As we prepare to leave Rwanda after ten unforgettable days, we are thankful for what the Lord is doing here and burdened for the many Rwandans who still suffer from the effects of the genocide.

On Thursday and Friday, we attended a workshop on forgiveness and reconciliation for church leaders, perpetrators, and survivors. The workshop was led by two amazing young men, Benjamin and Aimable (uh-MAH-blay), whom we’ve been blessed to know these past few days, and it culminated in a time of prayer for the healing of deep wounds and a special ceremony to offer some of the survivors a chance to receive a measure of closure. Please pray for Benjamin and Aimable as they continue their work with As We Forgive to bring the message of hope to every corner of this country.

Saturday, we had the privilege of spending time with Rosaria, Saveri, and Pastor Stephen, whose stories were featured in As We Forgive. We also saw the genocide memorial site at a church in Nyamata and heard the story of 24-year-old Charles, who was one of the few survivors out of thousands killed there. The whole experience was a jarring reminder of the unspeakable evil that was committed during the genocide, and it underscored the miraculous nature of the healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation that we’ve seen firsthand.

Our experiences here have reminded us that the Gospel is our only hope and that it is a powerful hope indeed. We pray that we would have eyes to see the Lord moving in the lives around us and that we would be encouraged to seek his kingdom as we return to Washington, D.C. We also ask you to continue praying with us for the reconciliation under way in Rwanda and our ongoing partnerships with believers here. The Lord is moving mightily in this country, and there are many faithful Rwandans who are laying down their lives to join in that work.

Please give thanks with us for the overall health and team unity that we’ve enjoyed, and please pray for safety as we travel home (we’ll arrive Monday morning in D.C.). We praise God for your faithful prayers and support and look forward to seeing y’all again soon!

The Rwanda Team

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