Keeping Our Promises

Lenten Devotional Series Day 11. Today’s meditation is on the third commandment, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain,” Exodus 20:7.

Traditionally this commandment has been understood in its narrowest sense to prohibit empty promises in God’s name. Swearing “to God,” or “on your mother’s grave,” or even “cross my heart and hope to die” are familiar expressions through which people pledge something of great value when making a vow. God is furious with those who would swear falsely by his name, because they in essence attempt to draw him into sin as a co-conspirator. He is no more willing to aid us in our broken promises than you are to stick a needle in your eye.

Thinking more broadly about this commandment, we saw yesterday that the name of God is a shorthand way of talking about all of God’s Word and his mighty deeds throughout human history. In this light, as ambassadors of Christ, Christians take God’s name in vain any time we make promises we can’t keep. Failing to pay our debts and not delivering work when it’s due are just two examples of how we break the third commandment.

Perhaps the most flagrant examples, however, are false promises made in the context of congregational life. Consider those baptismal promises or wedding vows that have been made quickly and then just as quickly forgotten, almost as though they were spoken with fingers crossed. Or consider empty promises made in joining a particular church. All too often, a commitment to membership (or its equivalent) in the local church, which is always made “in God’s name,” does not result in faithful participation in worship nor in generous giving beginning with a tithe of one’s income. Likewise, it is not uncommon to see commitment contingent upon the implicit understanding that the so-called member will not be confronted regarding his or her sin. The slightest meddling by pastor or parishioner reveals an oath made in vain. The third commandment calls us especially to be true to our word in body life within the local church.

Today in prayer, begin with the Collect of the Day (below). Then confess to the Lord any broken promises he brings to mind, and ask him to help you make things right wherever possible. Ask for his help in being faithful within your local church. Then hallow God’s name by praying the Lord’s Prayer.

The Collect of the Day. O Lord, for our sake you fasted forty days and forty nights: give us grace so to deny ourselves that our flesh may become subdued to your Spirit, and that we may always obey your divine will in righteousness and true holiness, to your honor and glory; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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