Focus on Rez's Future

The Parish Council would like to hear your thoughts on Rez and its future!

After church this Sunday, we will be hosting a focus group of 8-10 Rez members.  Over the course of less than an hour, starting at 7:15-8:15, we’d like to hear your
thoughts on a range of topics, including:
What attracted you to Rez?
What keeps you at Rez?
What does Rez do well?
How could Rez be better?
What are your hopes and dreams for Rez in the future?
This first focus group is for members.

If you would like to participate in the focus group, please send Greg Justice or Matt Luecke an
email: or

In two weeks we’ll have another focus group for non-members and people who have been at Rez for less than 9 months.

PS:  There will be pizza!

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