Flee Idolatry

Lenten Devotional Series Day 9. Today’s meditation comes from 1 Corinthians 10:1-14.

At the end of today’s reading, the Apostle Paul reiterates the second commandment in terms of a solemn order to us. It’s not a warning to be on the lookout for idolatry. It’s not a recommendation simply to avoid it. No, he commands us to “flee idolatry.” Why?

In the preceding verses, Paul recounted a few of the many times in the Old Testament when the Israelites stumbled and fell into idolatry. Each time, the consequences were catastrophic, ending in widespread disease, death, or exile. E.g. the golden calf episode, mentioned in 10:7, when some 3,000 Israelites died. E.g. the Moabite Baal orgy, mentioned in 10:8, when some 23,000 died in a single day.

Yet the risk of idolatry is never indicated on the label. There’s no surgeon general’s warning on the box. It’s easy to get started, and seems harmless enough at first. But after giving a bit of our hearts to something other than the Lord, it’s almost impossible to quit.

And so Paul, the Apostle of grace, gives us a solemn command to run. Idolatry is so extremely dangerous that it is never something we can take lightly. It’s like a gun. Even if it’s completely empty, even if the safety is on, you still don’t ever, ever, ever point it at another person. Likewise, when it comes to idolatry, there’s no other option than to flee.

Is this your strategy? Do you flee idolatry in any and every form? Or do you take more of a casual approach? Are you regularly exploring your other options, never burning bridges, just in case you need to circumvent God in order to find happiness or success apart from him? Listen to the Apostle Paul. Flee idolatry.

Today in prayer, begin with the collect of the day (below). Then meditate on Paul’s solemn command to flee idolatry, and ask the Lord to give you the courage and faith to take him at his word. Renew your love for him above all other gods. Then conclude with the Lord’s Prayer

The Collect of the Day. O Lord, for our sake you fasted forty days and forty nights: give us grace so to deny ourselves that our flesh may become subdued to your Spirit, and that we may always obey your divine will in righteousness and true holiness, to your honor and glory; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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