
Flee Idolatry

Lenten Devotional Series Day 9. Today’s meditation comes from 1 Corinthians 10:1-14. At the end of today’s reading, the Apostle Paul reiterates the second commandment in terms of a solemn order to us. It’s not a warning to be on the lookout for idolatry. It’s not a recommendation simply to avoid it. No, he commands…

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We are the Idols of the Lord

Lenten Devotional Series Day 8. Today’s meditation comes from Genesis 1:26-31. “Don’t craft any images,” God repeatedly instructs Israel. What does God have against images? It’s not that he’s hostile to religion. As a matter of fact, the beliefs of ancient Israel shared many religious concepts with her neighbors, such as sacrifices, temples, and a liturgical…

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Destroying Counterfeit Gods

Lenten Devotional Series Day 7. Today’s meditation comes from Exodus 20:4-6. The first commandment establishes the priority of the Lord over everything else. It teaches that we are to give him our primary allegiance. In prohibiting idolatry, the second commandment is a further application of the first. We keep the Lord first by fleeing from idolatry.

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God Imagined vs. God Revealed

Lenten Devotional Series Day 6. Today’s meditation comes from Exodus 20:4-6. In a hilarious scene from the film Talladega Nights, race car driver, Ricky Bobby (played by Will Farrell), offers a blessing before a meal: “Dear tiny, infant baby Jesus… Dear eight pound, six ounce, newborn baby Jesus, don’t even know a word yet, just a…

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Loving God through the First Commandment

Lenten Devotional Series Day 3. Today’s meditation comes from Exodus 20:1-3. I love good food and drink. Who doesn’t? And yet during Lent this year I am fasting from certain foods and beverages that I ordinarily enjoy very much. Why?

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The Ten Commandments: God’s Gift for our Renewal

Lenten Devotional Series Day 2. Today’s meditation comes from Exodus 20:1-2. Have you seen the interview with the politician who’s fighting to have the Ten Commandments posted throughout the land, but can only name 3 out of 10? (His press secretary says he got 7!) I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

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Audio from Women's Teaching Event with Connally Gilliam

On February 22, 2011, we were privileged to have Connally Gilliam come and speak to the women of Rez & our community.  You may listen here to Connally’s talk, entitled ‘Loving the Life We Didn’t Expect- Seen & Loved by the One who Knows Us’.  The recording also includes the Q&A session that followed Connally’s talk.…

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