Call for Volunteers

Are you looking for ways to get more involved at Rez?  Or, do you have a skill, talent or gift that would bless the body of Christ?  We are in need of volunteers for several Sunday service ministries– please see below for details.  We would also welcome more people to serve in any capacity at Rez; if you’d like to learn more about these or any other opportunities, please contact the Parish Administrator at admin[AT]rezchurch(DOT)org.  A hearty thanks to those of you who already give your time and talents to serve at Rez– your service makes a tremendous difference in the life of the church.

The Greeting Team needs more volunteers to help welcome people to Rez both before AND after the service.

The Music Ministry is looking for more volunteers, especially bassists, drummers, & sound technicians.  Training will be provided for prospective sound techs.

The Eucharist Ministry needs more volunteers to prepare the Lord’s table and serve as chalice bearers each Sunday.

The Children’s Ministry is in need of more nursery workers, Sunday School teachers and Chapel Leaders. No prior experience necessary.

The Stewardship Team assists the church Treasurer with financial matters of the church, including taking attendance and counting offering each Sunday.

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