Posts by Dan Claire

Loving God through the First Commandment

Lenten Devotional Series Day 3. Today’s meditation comes from Exodus 20:1-3. I love good food and drink. Who doesn’t? And yet during Lent this year I am fasting from certain foods and beverages that I ordinarily enjoy very much. Why?

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The Ten Commandments: God’s Gift for our Renewal

Lenten Devotional Series Day 2. Today’s meditation comes from Exodus 20:1-2. Have you seen the interview with the politician who’s fighting to have the Ten Commandments posted throughout the land, but can only name 3 out of 10? (His press secretary says he got 7!) I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

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Up Meeting & Potluck, Sunday March 13th

The next Up Meeting will be Sunday, March 13th, immediately following service.  Up Meetings are a congregational forum, a kind of town hall gathering for the Church of the Resurrection including a dinner potluck.  We host these meetings every couple of months in hopes of keeping everyone in the church “Up” on what’s happening.  The…

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Parish Retreat April 1-3: Mark Your Calendars

Mark your calendars for the Annual Parish Retreat at Massanetta Springs Conference Center near Harrisonburg, VA. Relax, enjoy the outdoors, mark the beginning of Spring with friends new and old, laugh your head off, and grow in Christ through the teaching of Dr. Aubrey Spears.  The retreat will begin on Friday evening, April 1 and…

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Newcomer's Dinner January 28

Each month we offer a dinner for newcomers.  The next one will be Friday, January 28, at 7 PM, at the home of Juliet Guaglianone.  To RSVP contact Sarah Whiting: (

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